T-52a cipher machine ==================== 1st problem ----------- We know everything (the internal key and the message key). If, moreover, the working of the machine T-52a is known, the message can easily be decrypted. 2nd problem ----------- The internal key is known. We know the beginning of the message. We also know the starting position of 5 wheels. 3rd problem ----------- We have plenty of messages in depth (17) and another longer message. We know the beginning of one of superposed messages. Moreover we know the Inner-key. That should be enough to find the key. You can use paper and pencil. 4th problem ----------- We know the beginning of the message. The message is not short (500 characters). 5th problem ----------- We have plenty of messages in depth (32) and another longer message. You can solve this problem with paper and pencil. A computer software can help. 6th problem ----------- The problem is hard, indeed we know nothing (just the Language). But the message is long (about 3000 character). You can use statistical methods. 7th problem ----------- We have only the cryptogram and it is very short (about 1200 character). 8th problem ----------- We have only the cryptogram and it is very very short (about 800 character). 9th problem ----------- The message key is known and the cryptogram is short (about 500 character). 10th problem ----------- The beginning of the message is known and the cryptogram is very short (about 200 character). 8th problem ----------- We have only the cryptogram and it is very very short (about 600 character).