How to get plain text from several ciphered messages in depth ============================================================= 1) INTRODUCTION --------------- Perhaps, the superposition method is the most powerful cryptanalysis one. It was invented by Auguste Kerckhoffs. To use it, it is necessary to have several messages which were enciphered with the same key. The number of messages need to be placed over each other, "in depth". All letters of each column are ciphered by the same alphabet! With a cipher machine like Enigma, it is necessary to have more than a dozen messages to have any hope of finding the solution. But, in case of cipher machines which use an additive method (as an Hagelin serie C cipher machine), only two messages in depth are sufficent. Naturally the more messages in depth you have, the easier it is. The Hagelin serie C cipher machine encryption formula is: In the same column, for a single letter: cipher1 = ((key + slide) - plain1) % 26 cipher2 = ((key + slide) - plain2) % 26 We can calculate difference (delta): DELTA = cipher1 - cipher2 = plain2 - plain1 plain2 = DELTA + plain1 We know cipher1 and cipher2. If we guess plain1 (or plain2) we can calculate the letter plain2 (or plain1). In short, if we guess a probable word in the good position, plain text will appear (a word or the begining of a word or the ending of a word). 2) GUESSING A PROBABLE WORD AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MESSAGE ----------------------------------------------------------- Assume to have these three enciphered messages "in depth": No. 1 - FZGYU LMIJE LMXSS EXHNG SJFKG MOEZO AOUGY No. 2 - FZGYR ZFDRM MZJRV TQZGV GRTQS PTXAG ONTGY No. 3 - XYTUR QLCSW LTBYG QXHNU OVQZA AEXNR HBGGY We guess that the 3rd message begins by the word "BIRDS". Try to decipher the 1st message: F - X = B - ? = 5 - 23 = 1 - ? = 8 => ? = 1 - 8 = -7 = 19 = T Z - Y = I - ? = 25 - 24 = 8 - ? = 1 => ? = 8 - 1 = 7 = H G - T = R - ? = 6 - 19 = 17 - ? = 13 => ? = 17 - 13 = 4 = E Y - U = D - ? = 24 - 20 = 3 - ? = 4 => ? = 3 - 4 = -1 = 25 = Z U - R = S - ? = ... Then, the 1st message begins by the word "THE". We are on the good track! 3) SEARCHING A PROBABLE WORD SOMEWHERE IN THE MESSAGE ----------------------------------------------------- We believe that the probable word "WHEEL" is in the 2nd message, but we don't know where. We need to try this word in all positions and verify if plain text appears in other texts. For example, if we scan the 2nd message with probable string "ZWHEELZ", we find the following strings in the 1st message: ... 06 SRPMFYL 07 UEPFRXY 08 HEIRQKC 09 HXUQDOO 10 AJTDHAS 11 MIGHTER (Hooray !!!) We have found several things: - The string "ZWHEELZ" appears in the 2nd message at the 11th position. - The string "MIGHTER" appears in the 1st message at the 11th position. Perhaps it is bordered by "Z": "ZMIGHTERZ" ? - We can search for plain text at the 11th position in other messages: in the 3rd message, we found "FEATHER". Generally, when we find new plain text, it is the ending or begining of a word. If we guess the whole word, we can verify our hypothesis in other messages. If our hypothesis is true perhaps we can find new plain text again. Step by step we can reconstruct all the plain texts. 4) BIGRAPHS FREQUENCY METHOD ---------------------------- [Excerpt of TICOM DF-120 (German method to get plain text from messages in depth)] ... At the point following the "Z" in both messages, a new word has to begin. We seek out in the next two positions all the bigraphs which could yield, in both messages at the same time, possible English words or good abbreviations ... 5) EXAMPLES OF PROBABLE WORDS ----------------------------- Examples of probable words or probable strings: - The figures: "ONE" (or "ZONEZ"), "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR", ... - Signs or abbreviations: "PAREN" (or "ZPARENZ"), "DASH", "QUOTE", "CMA" [meaning "comma"], "PD" [period], "CLN" [meaning "column"], "XXX", ... - Short words: THE (or "ZTHEZ"), AND (or "ZANDZ"), HAS (or "ZHAS"), FOR (or "ZFORZ"), THAT (or "ZTHATZ"), OFTEN (or "ZOFTENZ"), WITH (or "ZWITHZ"), NEVER (or "ZNEVERZ"), IN (or "ZINZ), TO (or "ZTOZ"), ... - Beginning or ending of words: -TION (or "TIONZ"), -MENT (or "MENTZ"), -ING (or "INGZ"), THER- (or "ZTHER"), ... With experience, a depth of two messages can be solved easily.